
New Member
Evening all i know you all have prob coverd this i have searched but have found a vast amount of answers which didnt really, i have recently brought my old 90 back which i converted to a 200tdi, it had a transit lump in it before and i need to tally up temp gauges as its never read true,

So if some one could help me find out which gauge i got and wat sender i would need would be greetly appretiated
you need 200 sender and 200 gauge, you probably have TD sender in it if you converted from an NA or TD lump to the new one
I got a 200 sender for it when i swapped it was quite some time ago mind, im not sure wat gauge it has as belive it was a petrol which then had a ford transit n/a diesel engine fitted :/ lol see my problem i dont know where to start, and thats persuming the dial has never been chnged since it was changed from petrol
Think thats the route i will take as it be easyest, it be nice to know what gauge is in it tho but i just add it to my box of landy bits lol
easiest a TIM mechanical one or leccy one £30 plus post and bang that it. Looks OEM and far more reliable than leccy if you buy mechanical one
Yh think i have to have a look on the bay of e see what gauges they got and see how much a 200tdi gauge would be, one of them jobs i never done when i owned it before, now i brought it back its the exact same way i sold it i wanna get it right
I have to have a look see how much they are, thanks for advice,

i does like a v8 i must admit but i like deep water and my bank balence more lol i just listen to everyone elses burble till fuel comes down which carnt see happing
If your vehicle was originally a 2.5td and you've fitted a 200tdi disco engine then the original td sender will give a correct reading so just stick that back in
I have a similar problem just bought a 90 used to be a 2.5td but been converted to a defender 200tdi in the past and not sure which sender or gauge has been used as the temp gauge always reads around the red, any ideas :)
You could try the above part number but not sure if it would be different with a genuine fender 200. Just take it back if not
Chears for that wolf it was a transit engine in it amd that engines long gone now, im now thinkin of buyin a new gauge and sender prob solved then,,,,, hopefully my defenders not on road atm so im not in a rush just ticking off bits on my to do list lol

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