ck7w is a 4 wire install, switch live, permanent live, ground and 5v switch line for radio mute.

depending on your head unit, the mute facility may or may not be there. Bizarrely, I have the philips c42 with alpine multi changer. the mute facility is on the head unit but there is no pin for it in the loom or the plug onto the back of the head unit.

I robbed a pin from an old loom, fitted it into the right place on the plug and it works a treat. If you are listening to cd when the phone rings, it even pauses the cd.

I'll have found the wiring info.

After a couple of weeks doing other things to the Hippo...full service, VCU change etc., it's now time to get back to this job.
Removed the head unit yesterday to double check on the type of connector and make of unit. It's the original VDU as opposed to the alternative Alpine. I had visions of it being a right pain to remove being as there was only one "Release" hole each side of the head unit fascia plate. I discovered that there is a metric allen screw down the hole and undid these and the radio could be slid out. The screws are linked to a tag which moves outwards to lock into the sides of the mounting "Box" when tightened and retract when loosened to enable removal.
The connector (C0098) is released by sliding the outer case sideways and this case acts as a cam type lock. The round pin main connector housing has a smaller flat pin connector attached which is for the link harness to the CD multichanger under the drivers seat, which is not involved withe handsfree circuit. The main connector is known as a "BMW" type.
Thanks to O.P.'s diagram of his connector, which was a great help.
I have now ordered a Telemute lead from Ebay which hopefully be just "Plug & Play".
I will update progress together with a few pic's when I install the kit.
Should have asked, i`ve got loads of them ready for the bin lol


Why is it that what I am after is always available in abundance after I have bought one ??? !!!:confused2::confused2::hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

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