Thanks , been reading up on the diy vcu repair and id go that way when the hippo dies. But the tegraloc for me is a bit like edmond hillary when asked why he climbed mount everest. "Because it's there" ☺.
I'm building an ebike using an old car alternator. Why?
Not a bloody clue!!!! o_O
You'll be wanting to slam a Series next! :eek:

Please tell me no one has actually done that?!






Looks bad ass, I quite like that. Then I am biased as I used to be into aircooled dubs and the rule with them is ‘low and slow’ the lower the better....

Also is that an air tank in the back? So on pneumatics I guess
Yer'd look a right t*t at the traffic lights with that. And reversing away from speed bumps because yer can't get over them.
Looking at that pic... yer can see they kept with tradition of corners being a problem. The steering int got much movement.

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