So unless some well known guru reads all the input nothing gets done. It would be better not to allow the crap in in the first place.
i don't think you followed what i said

you would have two threads.
  • a locked down guide
  • an open discussion thread about the guide
anything flagged in the discussion one gets added to the locked down guide.

just an idea, might be a naff one!
i don't think you followed what i said

you would have two threads.
  • a locked down guide
  • an open discussion thread about the guide
anything flagged in the discussion one gets added to the locked down guide.

just an idea, might be a naff one!

Did you spend your honeymoon stood up in a canoe?
A bit of history for those that don't know.

All threads posted in what is now called the technical archive are auto moderated.

A section was created in the Secure Unit to discuss and vote of whether a guide made the grade before approval but they was very little input.

Since then I've mostly been asking those I trust with the relevant knowledge to check them over before approval.

It would be very helpful if anyone feels bad advice or examples is given in any of the approved threads to report it so it can be addressed.
treat it like a article and forum setup?

lock the tech thread but link to a 'discussion thread' in a sub 'discussion' node. any comments/mods that are important can be modded in the guide.

stick a lil message saying 'report' any inaccuracies. mod then fwds to OP or if OP is gone, then edits and checking the report is legit.
You almost nailed it. ;)
Rather than putting more work on the mods, the tech article creator could (be required to?) also post a "feedback/questions/corrections" thread in the appropriate forum and link to it in the tech article (being sure they are subscribed to the feedback thread) and include a note in the tech article that followups should be posted there. Then the tech article OP can read the replies and edit their own tech article as needed.
Only if the tech article contains incorrect info that the OP doesn't correct should it then be reported to the mods to deal with.
Ah shoot......i didn't do the tap back bit, now what did i do with that hammer?

Pump timing on an old Disco is done by setting 1.54 mm lift on the cam at TDC. New pumps can be set with the timing pin, old ones with internal wear need to be set with a DTI.
You almost nailed it. ;)
Rather than putting more work on the mods, the tech article creator could (be required to?) also post a "feedback/questions/corrections" thread in the appropriate forum and link to it in the tech article (being sure they are subscribed to the feedback thread) and include a note in the tech article that followups should be posted there. Then the tech article OP can read the replies and edit their own tech article as needed.
Only if the tech article contains incorrect info that the OP doesn't correct should it then be reported to the mods to deal with.

ideally, that would be great :)

however, afaik the tech articles have to be screened and moved by a mod to the correct section.

I'd also lock the creation of threads in a 'discussion section' else you'll get umpteen new threads on the same article, so the OP won't be able to create one.

i can also see a problem of issues being unreported as people will give the OP a month to fix it.. then forget about it

reducing mods work would definitely be a plus. any more thoughts? :)
As I see it any open thread will generate discussion, disagreement and get side tracked.

They will get longer which will generate more questions as folk get confused and, frankly, too lazy to read it all (a dozen or so new threads asking questions get posted every month despite DO NOT POST QUESTIONS being pasted everywhere)

Guides should be as clear and concise as possible and preferably with one author so any changes can be easily agreed.

Any disagreements about them can be discussed in the open forum and reported for mods to make a decision to remove/edit/add to.

This was all supposed to happen in the Secure Unit before approval but it just didn't work
i think it's going to be a case of suck it and see. make changes if it doesn't work out :)

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