
New Member
Has anyone ever done a risk list as in which Landrover models are most likely to be boosted or targetted?

It seems that they prefer Defenders over Disco's, 90's over 110's and Disco 1's over 2's with the older series landy's being very high on the list.

Been browsing E-Bay a lot and although many have been posting vehicle type stuff nobody seems to be addressing 'parts' and some of the parts auctions on a certain site are very dubious - a perfect market for liberated parts - makes me cautious buying secondhand parts of that site but like anyone else I am always ready to buy cheap where possible - but would I be supporting the thieves ???

I also want to protect my **** but need to decide how far to go in terms of marking parts and adding extra security measures.

So has anyone done a 'risk' list for vehicles and parts that may be ripped from your pride and joy in a car park - headlights from facelift Disco's for instance.
spam :dnfnoob::rulez: no offence but it looks like your making a target list for you and your mates to nick
Hey who told you !!!

Seriously I just want to know how much I should worry when I park a 2004 Disco 2 TD5 in some car park. To make out that because I am a 'noob' I shouldn't ask a question lest I be deemed a thief - highly encouraging for new members - NOT.
worried about theft hard wire an old smart phone in the car with a pay as you go sim card leave the phone on and track it on your computer well if it gets nicked can test it for real but seems to work
taint summit t worry about, we are in a rural area theres pleanty of discos about, mine will be the oldest dirtiest crappiest looking of the selection in the carpark, and at the end of the day its insured.
It's the hassle that concerns me more, that and the money I have spent getting it up to the mark that I'd never recover in a sale or insurance claim.

I too live in the sticks, nothing visible from the road which is also of the 'no through' type but I am aware of a number of issues in the High Peak / Saddleworth area involving Landrovers.

I could be worrying over nothing - kind of why I wondered where on the risk list I am with a Disco 2.
Ultimately, there is not a lot you can do. Secure it so it's a hassle to knick and hopefully the thief will be too lazy.

Pop out a fuel relay or something.

Needles with dog faeces on them hidden in the seat.

etc etc
I think bottom line is that if they really want it, they'll probably get it if they are determined enough.

All you can do is apply as much deterrent as possible to put off the casual / less well equipped pikey, and just make sure your covered for everything on the insurance in case it does go.
The kicker is that the insurance company want to know about any mods that are added, they charge extra to cover the car with said mods - but they won't cover the value of the 'extras' that in my case adds up to a significant a four figure sum. We only pay 'market value' is their statement and that will be for a standard vehicle, it pays no head to the standard that the car is maintained to.
You could try using:

The kicker is that the insurance company want to know about any mods that are added, they charge extra to cover the car with said mods - but they won't cover the value of the 'extras' that in my case adds up to a significant a four figure sum. We only pay 'market value' is their statement and that will be for a standard vehicle, it pays no head to the standard that the car is maintained to.

So, you need to find a new insurance company who provide the cover you require. Simples :boink:
Yup I've taken on board a lot from the security thread on here - as for giving away info I'll publish a full spec no issue - I won't publish my address or anything that could 'identify' the car, nor pictures that will assist 'location' or tracing.

The visible deterrents are I think enough for amateurs and impulse thieves, for the pro's its a different story. Currently I have a plan that will stop anyone without a winch / trailer or crane that clearly I won't document.

As for the insurance I'd thought about it but presently I have a multicar policy that is cheap as chips. The companies I approached (A-Plan / Flux) want as much for the Disco alone as I pay for 3 cars combined ....

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