
New Member
Engine spins on the key. No exhaust fumes, does not appear to be getting fuel through. Is there a relay or switch could be faulty. Car is in France to be collected hoping just need to take a relay!!!!
Fuel pump solenoid maybe? Obvious starting point. Is there a voltage at the connector? Is it stuck??
Oh... and hi/welcome etc...why not go introduce yourself.?.. some people might get a teensy weensy bit upset otherwise...:D
now you see i fixed this exact fault on mine on sunday, it was an easy fix and if you had only just said hello and done the right thing by introducing yourself (hell we even have a section for it!) I would have been happy to share with you what i did to fix my exact same fault.
Been trying to do the introduction thing but I keep getting pop-up ads instead. Technology and me do not get on. I will keep trying though.
Thanks for the tips though, I will take a solenoid with me next week and hopefully return with a fully functional truck.

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