Left the battery to charge for an hour or two and then went out to check a few more things. The resistance of the entire vehicle electrical system with the ignition off is 1.5 ohms, which seems a bit low and might explain where all my electricity has gone. Disconnecting things and pulling fuses whilst monitoring resistance narrowed the search down to a fuse under the drivers seat with a picture of a snowflake next to it. Taking that out puts the resistance back up to something sensible. Interestingly, pulling the corresponding aircon fuses out of the bulkhead fuse box doesn't increase the resistance. I think I may have a short somewhere in my brown and pink wire. Everything continues to disintegrate around me. One of my meters is now fubared too.
I'm usually quite attentive to the melody from the fuel pump. It hasn't changed much lately. Around 18 months ago it was so noisy I was carrying a spare with me on long journeys just in case, but it's quietened down since then. Obviously, I've had a bit of air noise when purging after having had filters off, pipes off, injectors out etc. but nothing unusual.
When the fuel pump is priming does it sound normal or does it sound louder or whiney?
I'm usually quite attentive to the melody from the fuel pump. It hasn't changed much lately. Around 18 months ago it was so noisy I was carrying a spare with me on long journeys just in case, but it's quietened down since then. Obviously, I've had a bit of air noise when purging after having had filters off, pipes off, injectors out etc. but nothing unusual.