
New Member
Hi all,

Just recently bought a very cheap TD5 with "issues", most if not all of which seem to relate to the gearbox.

Selecting gears is a bit of a challenge as the gearstick is like stiring soup :) in addition to that there is a crunch on selecting second. The final fault (I think relating to gearbox) seems to be a bit of a Whine when you get to about 50/60 mph which is worse under when the power is on, if you lift off it goes quiet.

The other issue with the car is the immobaliser which plays up if you leave the car for more than a few hours. If you take the battery terminal off and reconnect then it seems to start fine.

Would a gearbox be the most sensible option or are a lot of these "issues" sortable without major surgery?

Any advice appreciated.
:welcome: noob
I thought the only "issues" we had in here were from Grunt - and he used the Gaylanders Arms curtains to clear that up?

Have yu looked on the Ashcrofts site - or possibly given them a call? They are very good, knowledgeable and, I think, that an R380 exchange box (it is in R380 on a TD5?) is about £4-500.

As for the imobiliser, it could be several things - maybe a bit more info might help?
Thanks for the reply, the imobiliser is an odd one. If you leave the key in the car it will start all the time. If you take the key out and dont use the car for a day or so then it wont go unless you disconnect the battery and reconnect it. If for example I go for petrol etc the car starts no bother with the key out for a short time.
sounds a bit like low battery voltage. OK when running or nicely charged, but if volts are allowed to drop, by standing for a while, its enough to loose its settings, until you reset the system.

The gear selection issue may just be that your bias plate has snapped. If so this costs about a fiver for the part and a couple of hours to change. It's an easy DIY job.

Your gear lever should normally come to rest at the 3rd to 4th gate. If it's at the 1st to 2nd gate then that's a good sign it's the bias plate.


Try changing the battery in the fob. That should cure the immobiliser fault. If you don't wanna fork out for a new battery, try heating your fob up prior to going out to the car. Put it near (not on) a heater, Put the keys in your pocket etc. I have just fitted a new battery in my fob today cos it was playing up.

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