
New Member
Hi, I have a 2004 TD5, took it to get the transmission serviced and got back a crock, the so called mechanic ( I use that term loosely) refused to take responsibility. All he said was the young fella did something to one of the lines and would not elaborate. It will not change into top until its at running temp, it shudders when at the low end of top. Can someone give me some sort of clue what the problem might be! cheers
They refused to tell me anything other than the (young guy did something to one of the lines) I will check the oil level and see if thats the problem.
They refused to tell me anything other than the (young guy did something to one of the lines) I will check the oil level and see if thats the problem.
As ronsealdeath said check the oil level. I don't know what 'lines' they're on about, assuming it's an auto, an oil & filter (strainer) change is pretty straight forward. They could have damaged a oil cooler line somehow for which you would have a leak.
Ok, have the Landy booked in to have transmission check next Wednesday, will put results on here when I get them. Thanks for your help guys.
I would say that the oil level check is urgent. If you are not using the Disco you can wait.
If using it ask the garage for an emergency oil level check.
Results of transmission check was that the filter inside the transmission was blocked and stuffing up the works. The colour of the fluid was blackish, a new filter has been ordered and we will see what happens then.
The recommendation is for two oil changes, as you can only get about half the ATF out when draining. Strongly suggest that you get them to change the filter and refill, using the correct procedure, (engine running and run through the gears whilst still filling), and then after some miles a further change, not the filter, only the oil.
Filter is on order, will take a couple of days for that to arrive, the guy seems to know what he is doing which is a pleasant change from the guy who was supposed to service the transmission.

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