
New Member
Morning all,

I have a unique problem and hope someone with more hands on experience of civvy Td5's can help me.

Last April I swapped my tatty old bulkhead on my 200Tdi 90 for a shiny brand-spanking-new Td5 one. Since Td5 have larger oval wiper wheel boxes, I had to order new ones (about £30 OEM each!), but I kept everything else 200Tdi original. When I installed it, it all fitted together no problems and I assumed all was cross compatible despite the Td5 having larger wheel boxes.

Now, although it all worked fine, I did have a problem with a loss of arc. The new wheel boxes only travel. approx 90 degrees. This meant that there is no overlap and the driver's side more-or-less stopped directly in front of the steering wheel centre. Annoying, but I thought at the time, I could live with it for now.

The motor/link seemed in good order before the new bulkhead, with the usual Defender magic trick of making the wipers come off the edges of the screen! This was mostly due to old worn wheel boxes (I know this as they had about 3" free play when you grabbed one before the conversion) .

Sailed through MOT last year (not sure how). Different story this year. Same garage, same tester! Wipers do not clear sufficient area (both sides).

So, to get to my point:
  1. Is the loss of arc necessarily attributed to the wheel boxes being bigger (my suspicion as the gear is larger on the Td5 wheel boxes causing a ratio reduction) or is it a worn motor?
  2. Is there any adjustment that can be made to the motor/link? bearing in mind the motor is on my bench and I think not.
  3. If I fit a new Td5 motor could I keep the current link or is a new link required as well. More importantly, does anyone know for sure that the Td5 motor has a bigger cam rotation, thus resulting in a further push to the the wheel boxes to turn that little extra?
My concern is, I don't want to spend £70-£100 on a new motor and link as I do not know for sure that it will make any difference if the Td5 Motor is the same gearing. I may as well just get the cheaper Tdi replacement in that case.

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Just to add, this is the crank gear from the 200Tdi motor. 115 degrees. Does the Td5 motor have a larger sweep? Or can you buy a different gear to fit the old motor
Did you change the worm drive for the TD5 one, as the thread is different?

I used the complete TD5 set up and mine has the normal sweep range.
I've not modified the motor or gear at all. Just Td5 wheel boxes. Is there a new worm and wheel kit or is it a new motor job? Will the Td motor fit the Tdi rack or does that need to be changed too?

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