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Quick survey guys! What kind of mileage are TD5 owners getting from a tank of diesel, and how much is it costing at the moment to fill one up??


Quick survey guys! What kind of mileage are TD5 owners getting from a tank of diesel, and how much is it costing at the moment to fill one up??



34 mpg on me teedefive auto.
Variety of travel urban/extra urban e.t.c.
Treat that accellerator like an eggshell under your foot.
Cane it and read it and weep.

Fukkin incredibly comfortable for old farts though:)
Since Tuesday this week i have totalled 24 miles.

When i had meelendee i would have done at least 400 by now.
Change of circ's for the better.:)
Fair dues to you both, I drive a 01 td5 auto too and with the mix of driving, I get about 450 miles (720 km) by the time the light comes on. That means I am lucky to get 35 - 26 mpg. I do not drive it hard either.

Must get egr done soon, have service coming up.
Did my EGR soon after I bought the car. As Veggielandee says, if you cane it, she will drink the fuel. speed limit here is 120km/h on the highways, so I drive +/- 110km, soft acceleration and use cruise as much as possible, read the road in front and decelerate instead of using the brakes. Careful driving and you'd be surprised what you can get. Plus no speed fines!!
Managed :) 33.5 mpg mostly M-way on Auto TD5 recently driving 60-65 mph with boot half full. This dropped to 29 .5 mpg when boot full and 4 bikes on back on run to continent and back.
As paul says accelerate slowly and use cruise also get rid of the EGR.

Fair dues to you both, I drive a 01 td5 auto too and with the mix of driving, I get about 450 miles (720 km) by the time the light comes on. That means I am lucky to get 35 - 26 mpg. I do not drive it hard either.

Must get egr done soon, have service coming up.

So how much to fill her up Dave??

I'm only asking these questions as I drive a V8i LPG and get around 250 out of the tanks at £45 per fill, just want to compare that with Diesel as diesel is obviously a bit more convenient being more readily available! I do find it a tad tedious having to research the availability of LPG stations before a long trip anywhere.

So how much to fill her up Dave??

I'm only asking these questions as I drive a V8i LPG and get around 250 out of the tanks at £45 per fill, just want to compare that with Diesel as diesel is obviously a bit more convenient being more readily available! I do find it a tad tedious having to research the availability of LPG stations before a long trip anywhere.

I get about the same as the others. That's £70.00+ a fill nowadays if you run it really low, I'd say.
My 2002 TD5 manual does 520 to a tank. Pretty much all short trips.
When the light is on I,ll struggle to get change from a hundred pound note when I fill it up !!.

( funny how crude is now about $ 100 a barrel, yet fuel has only come down 10 ppl. !!! ).
I thought I could only get about 425 from a tank (2000 TD5) but then I brimmed the tank recently and it was 110 miles before the needle even moved, and so hoping for more. Did take £104 to fill it that full, though.
I get about the same as the others. That's £70.00+ a fill nowadays if you run it really low, I'd say.
Looks like I haven't been running it THAT low! In which case I ought to be getting 600+ on a tankful. (Unless my maths is really rubbish). I don't think I've ever let it go low enough for the light to come on.
Recently had a weekend in Darlington, (visiting the outlaws), Travelled from M5 J2 to Darlo, did around 20 miles pottering around up there, then drove back the following day. only used 5/8ths of a tank, I filled it to the brim before we set off for Darlo', and sat at a steady 55 / 56 Mph.
I couldn't beleive how good on fuel they are if you're not in a rush.
When the light comes on (which is rare), I put about 78 - 80 litres into the tank. That costs about €105 to fill it back up again.
I'm about 600 miles to a tank, then £107 - £110 to refill.

Around 33 mpg I guess.

Bit worse if the tank has lots of short journeys/faster driving, bit more if long runs at steady paces.

Not too bad I guess, but at 20,000 miles per annum, the fuel costs getting a bit too scarey. Combined with Gordon Brown's VED, I think I'll be down-sizing sometime soon...
Have just totaled up 6 mths of mileage and fuel and come back with 29.9 miles per gallon. This is a mix of towing, long journeys and round town (not much towing ) oh yes 52 plate TD 5, and i think thats fairly good. Have seen claims of 35 - 40 and must say do have my doubts, unless you switch off down every hill and push it up the other side.
2002 td5

i reached 500 miles on a full tank then light flicked on :)
and sad to say most of it was short trips :( so quite pleased
if ever caught short :eek: anybody know what you can get on the yellow
I've done about 25 miles on the yellow and its been fine. In theory, light comes on when theres 2 gallons left (diesel) and 3 (petrol) so you should get about 50ish.

Although if I did more than about 15 in my old 300tdi with the light on and left the car overnight it would really struggle to restart next morning
cheers for that rickead2000;)

hope i never need to run that low but it's always nice too have a rough

number of miles in reserve if i ever get stuck:eek:
Thanks guys.

I'm getting about 250 miles from a fill up of LPG (£45) so it's pretty comparable (well, slightly better it would appear). Still, getting LPG can be an inconvenience though so I'm still considering a TD5.

Thanks for the info, it's given me food for thought.


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