So how do the sunroof roof drains become blocked? Normally the entrance is closed and sealed by the sunroof class, I suppose if you in a habit of leaving the glass open something would find its way into the pipes entrance, difficult as they are small.
But the drains are not important unless the sunroof is opened with water laying on top of the glass, that’s what they are installed for.
road grimme etc, twigs stuff like that, depends on the enviorment where the car has lived i would think
Ahh. I hadn't spotted that this thread had been resurrected at #14. 11 year old link no longer active - shock, horror!
Shame, it would have been useful content to preserve.
Yep, conscious I'm asking loads of questions so trying to keep new threads to a minimum!
Twigs & stuff, so how does it get into the drain pipe with the sunroofs closed? Is the question..
what if it gets in when open! pollen, tree blossom, road grime, what if it has had a monkey on top at chester zoo and it **** on the roof, washing it off can get into the frame and into the drain tubes, if he went often and lots of monkey **** it would soon fill up! lol

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