
New Member
Hi guys,

I’ve got an issue that my Td5 isn’t starting. Earlier today I’d disconnected my inertia switch to see what it would stop from working (there were no real clear answers online - for those in the same boat as me it still cranks but doesn’t start). I then plugged it back in and started it just to check all was okay - all good.
Went outside to go shopping just now and the 90 wouldn’t start; fuel pump wasn’t priming, no engine light or glow plug light on the dash and the temp gauge shows high. I’ve gone under the bonnet and pressed the top of the inertia switch to reset it, thinking I may have dislodged it closing the bonnet but still nothing. I’ve tried several things including jumping across the plug to take out the inertia but that didn’t change a thing. I then went on here to have a look at other posts and noticed several people have had the same kind of issues but the posts sadly weren’t updated to say how it was resolved.
I know the Td5 can be a bit of a pig with electronics but having owned it for a few years it’s never played me up too much.

The truck is used for local search and rescue and so any time it’s off road we’re a man down in the team.

Any ideas/pointers greatly appreciated, will be calling an auto electrician in the morning but wanted to give it my best shot before making that call.

Try checking and cleaning the connections of the yellow fuel pump relay. Its under the drivers seat next to the ecu. Also check the earth under there too.
Thanks Wireman, have just checked the two yellow relays and all looks okay there. Don’t have any real way of checking they work, but just going by timings and that the truck was running perfect before, I’ll hope they’re not the issue.
Have also now checked the red ecu connector and there was a little bit of oil in there, so have cleaned with brake cleaner and leave to dry for a while. Serves me right for replacing with a cheaper one last service...
Quick update - have managed to get the truck started again. Appears I blew the 30A fuse in the seat box fuses. Picture appears to be an engine with a lightning bolt through it (didn’t have a number). I think this was the inertia fuse, is this an early sign of the inertia switch becoming faulty? Or likely blew because I unplugged it earlier in the day?
Thanks for your help wireman, making me check the seat box area got me going in the end!

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