
Active Member
Hi All,

Well its been far to long since ive been on here. Needless to say, ive got myself into a load of trouble with the wife. It all started a couple of months ago when I brought an accident damaged 2001 TD5 as a bit of a hobby.

The car had been on its side and It was sold to me as running fine with just the accident damage.

After getting the car back I realized it wouldn't start, it needed a new key fob. Undeterred I ordered a new key and let the car at my mates garage for him to do the body work at his leisure. Fortunately or Unfortunately depending on how you look at thing he wasn't very busy that week and cracked on and got all the damaged panels off, new ones fitted and sprayed prior to me coming down the following week with the new fob.

Low and behold turned it over, and it started but clouds of light blue/white smoke! and i mean clouds.

Thinking there my be oil in the inlet I proceeded to strip it down and clean it out. It wasnt that bad.

Turned it over again and same thing.
My next step was to plug it in and find out what was happening. It came up with an injector fault, and looking at the live data there was far to much fuel going in to put 5. This injector was then changed along with the Mass air flow sensor, and injector internal wiring loom. But you guessed it...

STILL CLOUDS OF SMOKE!!!!! im at a loss, and the wife has fallen out with me.

Oh its miss firing ans well

Anyone any ideas...
As I understrand it , blue coloured smoke is burnt oil. I'm guessing head gasket but I'm sure the knolwedgable will be along soon.
does it smoke only with cold engine or with warm engine too? ...and what kind of missfire, describe it
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm not sure how long it was on its side for if if it was left running.
The smoke is very heavy when first started but does clam down if left to idle for 20 mins or so. As soon as you try and drive it gets worse. Especially if labouring.

As for the misfire. It is constant however worse at low revs.

I've got some pictures on my phone and a short vid. If I can figure out how to do it I'll put them on.

Thanks for the help

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