Russell 1

Active Member
I'm about to take my disco off the road for a overhaul. The chassis is the main issue but also the gearbox is not quite right and there is a lot of slop in the drive train somewhere.
There is no creeping forward in drive and it's reluctant to change up. Does it need sending off for rebuild or could it be something simple?
I have changed the oil but it's still the same.
I'm about to take my disco off the road for a overhaul. The chassis is the main issue but also the gearbox is not quite right.
There is no creeping forward in drive and it's reluctant to change up. Does it need sending off for rebuild or could it be something simple?
I have changed the oil but it's still the same.
Have you dropped the sump and replaced the filter?, take it you are talking about an auto box.
well galv chassis is fitted and now back on the road and im having this autobox problem again.
Sometimes its happy to shift up sometimes it sticks and runs up to 4000rpm.
Ive read the guvnor can get blocked with debris.
Where is this?
Is it worth changing the filter or will this be a waste of oil and filter and will be a problem elsewhere?
Drop the gearbox sump and see what's in it. This will give you the next step.
These 4 speeds are not that expensive to get rebuilt, seeing as you've put a galv chassis on then I think it might be worth it.
Ok thanks for the replys. I reset the driver adaptions yesterday and on the test-drive it was fine and changed normally so will see how it goes today. I've noticed the gear position indicator does not show when in drive or neutral unless I pull back on the gear lever slightly. All other positions show the gear without fault.
Is that important?
My previous D2 did the same . Sometimes changed well, sometimes over 3000rpm. I did 2 oil changes and added auto box additive and the problem solved. I do not know if it was the 2x oil changes which solved the problem or the additive?
I still have yet to change the oil but I just striped, cleaned and adjusted the xyz switch. Now when in drive I get a D on the dash. Just been on a test drive and seams ok.
On a different note, does anyone know where the temp sensor is on the gearbox?
I still have yet to change the oil but I just striped, cleaned and adjusted the xyz switch. Now when in drive I get a D on the dash. Just been on a test drive and seams ok.
On a different note, does anyone know where the temp sensor is on the gearbox?
Dunno but going to suggest the obvious, follow a wire or two maybe?
It'll be in RAVE and maybe even in Haynes.:rolleyes::p

(arf, arf, arf!!!):D:D:D
I still have yet to change the oil but I just striped, cleaned and adjusted the xyz switch. Now when in drive I get a D on the dash. Just been on a test drive and seams ok.
On a different note, does anyone know where the temp sensor is on the gearbox?

So what makes u think the temp sensor is on the gearbox?

Well it isn’t the temp sensor is located on the bottom right hand side of the gearbox oil cooler which is positioned behind the front grill.
So what makes u think the temp sensor is on the gearbox?

Well it isn’t the temp sensor is located on the bottom right hand side of the gearbox oil cooler which is positioned behind the front grill.
So there!
nah na nah na nah nah!!!

(I'd have expected it to be on the gearbox too, so you're not alone, @Russell 1 !!!!)
No your not alone, the question has been asked more than a few times. What would they do before forums? Buy a book perhaps :D
Funnily I just commented on books to a member who has been trying to find the correct "page" on his new Nanocom for what seems like a few days.
Like you probably I can remember when there were Haynes manuals, Workshop manuals and mates in a car club and that was about it. How did we manage?
Mind you the feckin things were a lot simpler then!!
I guess forums are just like having a massive pub full of mates all with the same ideas and problems.
not so bad really then!!
So what makes u think the temp sensor is on the gearbox?

Well it isn’t the temp sensor is located on the bottom right hand side of the gearbox oil cooler which is positioned behind the front grill.
That's if your sitting in the
vehicle, L/H if your looking under the bonnet. The wiring connector is just below the pipe with the yellow writing.
My research lead to believe there is one on the gearbox and one on the cooler. I have found one on the cooler but all I can find on the gearbox is one that looks to be on the transfer box.
I have two single spade connectors that are not connected on top of the gearbox by can't find where they go.
Any ideas?
Lockup on the auto box is controlled by engine temp. All the trans cooler sensor does is report an overheat of the oil.

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