
Active Member
got the chance of a td5.its engine starts but runs on its own oil.
would it need a new engine or could it be repaired
What Jim says - need more info.
How long/fast was it allowed to run away?
Does it have elevated oil levels in sump?
What is its history?
Make sure the oil level is correct then take off the pipe from the turbo to intercooler - does it still run on? Does it **** oil everywhere from the turbo?
Reckon on at least £2k for a used engine +labour and bargain accordingly.
Buy with your head and not your heart.
from what i can gather it needs to be stalled to stop it.
the car is miles away from me.i would be buying it blind
from what i can gather it needs to be stalled to stop it.
the car is miles away from me.i would be buying it blind

well dont buy blind, either he'll let you get there to look or some other twonk will buy a potenual fookup
I don't think this needed answering did it? Honestly?

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