Doctor - sorry for being an ass ;)
Don't you agree to some extend? When reading your last post I understand that you assume a HGF just by the symptom of the engine overheating? There are only two symptoms stated in first post #1 overheating and #2 lazy start. In your post #18 you say ' I've jut had this minus the start problem..'. ????

I understood your first post as related to both symptoms - but given your post #18 your HGF assumption must be based on overheating only?

I'm just saying - lets be a little careful on our advise to each other. How many of us have not replaced parts without solving the problem? I'm thinking the parts suppliers in this industry is laughing all the way to the bank when they considering the value a Forum like this create :) (I'm pushing it .. I know ;) )

Doctor - sorry for being an ass ;)
Don't you agree to some extend? When reading your last post I understand that you assume a HGF just by the symptom of the engine overheating? There are only two symptoms stated in first post #1 overheating and #2 lazy start. In your post #18 you say ' I've jut had this minus the start problem..'. ????

I understood your first post as related to both symptoms - but given your post #18 your HGF assumption must be based on overheating only?

I'm just saying - lets be a little careful on our advise to each other. How many of us have not replaced parts without solving the problem? I'm thinking the parts suppliers in this industry is laughing all the way to the bank when they considering the value a Forum like this create :) (I'm pushing it .. I know ;) )


Had all the symptoms he stated less the hard start, missing air filter won't cause this anyway but onto the latter.

Had all the symptoms, checked through everything thinking it was losing coolant through a bad pump gasket and eventually after a chemical test on the coolant it was a head gasket. Very hard to find in pressed metal gasket as it was a hairline that only made the system overheat under high load meaning round town no loss but as soon as you floored it past 70 it would start and overheat then when you let off it would move back down

In on phone so excuse grammar and spelling
most failures are just staining blackish brown across steel ring that sits around cylinder ,showing gasses passing but gasket still whole , a small break in gasket if going to water way blows water out quickly very noticeable or if across to cylinders poor running and starting
the heater is red hot when its getting warm i noticed heater gauge was fluxuating a little when on throttle and when you take it of gauge goes up i took vid on my phone but have no clue how to put it on here i have got a new thermostat and water pump and not going to bother cleaning rad as it looks like its hit the fan at some point and alot of the fins on it are bent i no its a possibility of head gasket but will it just be a case of changing gasket or is there more to it because mine is a early td5? and it aint a lazy starter all the time it only takes 3 secs max to start when i say its lazy but think it could be issues with starter as some times the starter doesnt work after going through alot of water so maybe a new 1 of them is needed to
Well going through water isn't good for the starter if you sit in it and let it seep in

If heater was going up and down I'd still be thinking gasket in which case whip head off after removing all the gubbins bolted into it, clean off faces of the block and head then re-install

If it is the gasket when you take it off you'll see marks in there and possibly some cracks or rips in the gasket depending on how bad it is

Pretty sure the above is right but JM will correct me if wrong ;)
How long has the problem been going for out of question and you haven't done anything like a tunit box have you ? Suppose a bad one if it was over fuelling/boosting would also cause the problem
i haveny fitted water pump or thermostat yet as havent got the rad yet keep meaning to order it and dont see the point in doing them untill getting rad becasue then i can put antifreeze in it the td5 isnt my every day car so only use it for offroading or moving rubbish about i do admit the rad doesnt get cleaned after every time i off road it and dont have a wading blanket which i am going to get aswell how are the earliar head different to newer 1s? are they more prone to cracking?
also no tuning box its been happening only when im absolutely flat out not when im off road just down the bypass thats why i thought it could be poor ciculation
thats why I'd be thinking hairline crack in gasket, if you let it overheat last time then it could have damaged the gasket too but see what happens when you change the rad etc.
I'm having similar problems and have just ordered an infra-red thermometer to establish if the coolant is actually overheating as the gauge suggests or if the gauge is just £u[k£d!!!!
went to fit rad and it was wrong so have sent it back today so the right one will hopefully come tomorow but my old rad was absolutely full of mud so im guessing that is the cause of the problem i just dont get how you can clean it out properly when rad is in the truck i cant take grill off as winch in the way and cant get to it from the inside the only way is to take it all out and that is a bit of a mission after every time you go out
also started to get a bit of a diesel knock after its run upto temperature so next job will be to get the injectors tested out bloody land rovers theres always some thing going wrong
Well - we need to take care of our engines. Overheating is never healthy and would always be a problem to any engine. That's why it's called over-heating. You should start using a good wading blanket.

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