disco d

New Member
Will running my td5 disco or any landy on red(in uk)green (in sweden)do it any harm or is it just the same stuff with die added,does it have the same qualities for lubrication etc as normal diesel I know its illegal to use it on the roads in the uk and here in sweden but im in the process of looking for a 90,110 defender to make into an offroader and it would be towed to the courses on a trailer as I can get green diesel through my work any advice would be appreciated thanx:confused:
Thats right Red/green diesel is exactly the same just with die in it, so that it can be identified.

it will make no difference to your landy as long as its clean.
red diesel is just normal diesel with a dye added. people will tell you it damages your engine and makes it smoke. ignore em, its complete bollocks. just dunt get caught with it on the road ;)
It dose increase you emotions, but that is just the dye burning.

you can always remove the dye if you have the right stuff!
been told that activated charcoal or garden fertilser will remove dye (but not tried either yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
activated charcoal, thats the secret, the problem is getting the stuff in large enough quantities, without any questions being asked.
and if one knew somebody who wanted to try engineers blue what sort of ratios are we talking about, just out of curiosity.
not sure but if you, i mean someone you know, experiments first then you, i mean he, could get it spot on ;)
excellent thanks for your help its good to know I wouldnt want to damage anything nad whats activated charcoal is it the stuff you use on the barby
i use the activated carbon in my aquarium filters... its great for removing tannins, heavy metals and all sorts. i guess it will get rid of the dye, but whats the point if your not using it on the road? ;)

just fill er up and bite the bullet!


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