
New Member
I have a 2000 disco td5 es auto which has what appears to be an oil leak as there is a slowly growing dark patch on my drive every time I move my disco.

I am constantly checking all the levels (oil, power steering, brake) and they never seem to go down! Yet I have this constant but slight drip drip drip which is coming from the rear of my engine bay.
I have looked underneath and can see the drip on occassion but due to my lack of knowledge I can't seem to find where it is coming from.

Can anyone suggest what this might be? I am pulling what is left of my hair out over this.
Ahh, I see. So it is likely to be deisel rather than oil that I am spilling?

How do I go about checking this for sure and will the regulator need replacing? Or is it something which simply needs tightening/repair?

hiya, totally of topic, is that gourock, just east of glasgow. i was up there earlier this year with a couple of locals and we went touring up the west coast to john o groats on our bikes. fantastic country.
back on topic.
fuel regulators on td5 are as jm says are prone to leak. they can be repaired.
plenty in the search function.
good luck.
Of course if it's oil, it could be the steering box, they like to weep, it could be an ACE pipe, they really love to develop rust and fail, could of course be a good old fashioned drip from the sump plug, who knows.

There are quite a few locations TD5 Discos can leak fluid from. To narrow it down, you'll have to get down and dirty and see what's oily on the under side of the beast. With an infrequent drip, the levels may not drop noticeably for some time, but the oily patch on the drive will likely make it look a lot worse.
If it IS the fuel reg, dont buy a Britpart one - use an OEM one - the voice of experience here!
Thanks for the help folks.

JM - cheers for the advice on the fuel reg.

xat44 - Yes, this is Gourock just west of Glasgow, and yes, it is pretty gorgeous around here when it's not raining. Unfortunately it rains here for most of the year. That's the reason they chose Faslane (across the river from Gourock) as the site for the nuclear sub base. It is almost constantly covered in cloud so the Russian spy planes couldn't get many clear pics during the cold war! Totally off topic there.

pedros - I'll be checking all the suggested parts you mention.

congo181 - cheers for the britpart avoidance advice. It's always tempting to go for the cheaper option. So cheers for the warning.
Re: TD5 Mystery leak


If it IS the fuel reg, dont buy a Britpart one - use an OEM one - the voice of experience here!

excuse my ignorance.... what does OEM stand for ??
Mine as a very slight leak. It is from the rocker cover gasket , timing chain oil seal and the breather pipe from rocker I have all ordered.
I had a similar problem, ruined my drive, my fathers drive etc etc.
Initially, I replaced the steering box, this cured the bulk of it then I noticed another leak. I had the garage look at it and diagnosed 3 separate leaks:
- Rocker gasket (2nd one in 2 years)
- Front end of transfer box
- Front crankshaft seal

All sorted and no leaks for the moment - thanks Durham 4x4

Just need to replace 2 drive ways - someone once told me Land Rovers were expensive to maintain!!
Without sounding like a Twit.... Have you considered Air conditioning???? When the Air con is on... is does drip? (but this is clear water)

The other simple test would be to climb underneath the car and have a feel.

Red fluid is ATF fluid - autobox/ steering etc..

Plain heavy black is Oil etc... May sound stupid, but I have known people to mix the two... sorry if I have given you an egg to suck. Non intentional.

Had the same prob with mine the sump gasket had imploded,so main leak there. transfer box plate sealant had failed,seal between g.box,transfer box failed,rear crank oil seal failed,rocker box gaske failed (3rd time) and replaced fuel pressure regulator, genuine part not britpart my mate did it lasted 4 days

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