
New Member
Hi Guys I would appreciate your help....

Had this disco, my one and only for over 2 years, changed the injector loom and that's it.
I have a noise that seems to be getting louder its almost like helicopter rotors. (Blackhawk down) it's road speed not rev related. It is active on acceleration/cruising/deceleration and most pronounced at around 30-40 mph. There is no obvious vibration.
Anyone had this before?
If it was rev related I'd suggest seized viscous fan. Worth a look anyway. With the engine warm but not hot you should be able to move it easily by hand.
square tyres mate. :D

seriously though, could one of the tyres bulged or gone out of shape?
does it have ace if so it might be the pump it was only when i removed my ace that a similar noise went away
Thanks Guys for your responses.. The viscous fan is not fitted, have had a look at the propshafts and the joints look fine, but would it be best to take them off the car to check. Typical it's raining all the time and the garage door is too low!!!
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Lewphi - did you ever come up with a solution to this? I'm having exactly the same on an '04 TD5 commercial
Just a thought - do you have the noise with the heater fan off? Reason I ask is there seem to be several folks with "whirring" noises that turn out to be leaves etc in the motor.
I know full well what can happen when a front prop snaps as it happened on my p38 and wasn't a fun experience! Would the leaves getting trapped make the noise more at 30-40mph though? I would've thought it'd be a constant level of noise if that was the issue. I tried checking the UJs earlier, couldn't wiggle the prop at all when in gear with handbrake off. Anything else I could try?
Hi Guys,
I checked prop-shafts and nothing was seized or floppy so I thought I would leave it till something went bang, 2 years later it did hence just got back from Devon on an AA truck....
The noise got progressively louder but kept the same tone. I checked transfer and gearbox fluids before I left for Devon and needed to add about 3/4 litre to the transfer box, gearbox was fine.
Whilst in devon the tone changed almost to that of a bus transmition but continued to drive it, then going back to the campsite after a day out something started to sieze , felt like the handbrake was on...
I managed to get to within half a mile of the camp-site then it would not move, no drive and and sounded like a bucket of spanners. The recovery driver seemed quite knowledgeable and seemed to think the transfer box had failed as the front prop could be twisted as normal but the rear was seized solid.
Can anyone confirm this diagnosis please,
before I left for Devon and needed to add about 3/4 litre to the transfer box, gearbox was fine.,
That's not far from 50% of it's total capacity. For no oil to show on the engine dipstick you'd be running at about -20-25%. Would you run an engine far with no oil showing on the dip stick?

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