
My Discos gearbox go,s on viagra on a long journey and becomes stiff to go between 2nd and 3rd also 4th to 5th . It seems like the cross selection go,s tight when the box get,s hot. It go,s into the gear ok just tight to go across the box The oil level is fine and the correct grade. Has anyone come across this befor? :confused:
anybody any ideas - mine is still doing it after an oil change too...

doing the wrong thing and servicing it soon at LR main dealer (!) so will ask them - but can't wait for the barrel load of excuses or expensive suggestions they come up with!
What was the oil like that came out of your gearbox's when you did your oil changes. Was it black? did it smell burnt?
I've read some posts about this before. From memory, there is a ball at the base of the gear stick that siezes up. The remedy is to dribble some oil down the gear stick so that it lubes the ball at the base.

It would be worth searching for this as it definitely crops up alot.


i read once that you could use a different(thicker) grade oil but i'm not sure wich it was , try use the search function and it will pop up.

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