
New Member
I recently purchased a 2001 TD5 that very quickly developed severe diesel clatter and low pulling power especially at low revs.
I checked the injector clearances, changed the MAF,changed the injector loom, cleared oil from ECU plug, by-passed the EGR and, whilst the top end power improved, the low end and diesel clatter did not.
I connected a friends Nanocom and no current faults were indicated.
As a last ditched attempt to solve the problem before having the injectors out, I decided to clean the MAP sensor (no difference) and replace the AAP sensor (because I had a spare) and, hey presto, the AAP was faulty (but not according to the Nanocom!). All the power (and more) came back and no more excessive diesel clatter at low revs.
I am only posting this in case someone else is having similar issues. Disconnecting the AAP (which will then go into default settings) will, if faulty, improve running dramatically until you are able to replace.
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Nice one:) ... that sensor could fail in many different ways:
l Sensor open circuit.
l Short circuit to vehicle supply.
l Short circuit to vehicle earth.
l Contaminated sensor element.
l Damaged sensor element.
l Resistance in wiring harness.
...if it's short circuit to earth or supply the diagnostics doesnt cover it.
oh that sensor ta for that. do they need a clean or replacement. as i got low pullin power.

Could be the AAP, or perhaps the MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) on the inlet manifold - they get caked up with gunge due to the EGR system.

Clean with aerosol of Brake & clutch cleaner.

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