:mad: hi guy,s first post on this forum,if anyone can help i have a problem with starting my 51 plate td5 adventuer from cold ,i let the glo-plug do its bit then when i turn the key she starts to fire but seems a little uneven and then stops am i letting go of the key to soon as if it needs to crank more it does eventually go ,not a problem when warm also i sometimes have to press the unlock button 3 times cos if i press twice as it states in the manual it seems to be still imobalisedand i get normol dash lights let the plugs go out but it wont crank yet if i press it once more it will start ok . cheers phil:eek:
When the engine is cold, turn on your ignition and wait until the glow plug light goes out. Switch off ignition (without starting the engine) then turn on and wait for the glowplug light to go out a second time then start the engine. This will give the plugs a double go at preheating, if the engine starts and idles better this will point to the glowplugs not working properly.
:mad: hi double pluggin the glow plugs does"nt help the only thing that does is to keep cranking till she starts then the usual uneven rumble till all 5 cylinders kick in,i wonder if blanking the egr would help at all or could it be a fueling problem should i get the pressure checked in the fuel system and change the fuel filter other than this problem its a great truck,cheers phil:(
get someone to crank it over while you cover the air intake with your hand, once it fires let go quickly
Still wonder if its glow plug related as its only cold starting thats the problem - Connect a volt meter up to the glow plug connections, turn on ignition and check to see if there is power getting to the plugs, a relay controlling the plugs may have failed.
thanks chaps gona get it serviced next weekend so when it gets linked up to the diagnostics it may get sorted anybody recomend a good oil for engine i will be using difflock evo in the gearbox not to fussy on there engine oil or am i wrong,phil
Use ONLY the recommended oil in the gearbox.
It is a fatal mistake to use heavier oil that recommended in any gearbox.
If it asks for automatic transmission fluid, give it that, ONLY!

Re the cold starting - try this to make (more) sure the fuel system is fully primed.

Switch on till dash lights up and listen for the fuel pump in the tank.
If you can't hear it running, open the door and try again.
It should not be making a sort of sloshy noise - just a smooth whine.
Wait till it stops. Leave the key ON and the dash all lit up.

Now press the throttle to the deck, and after a second or so let it right up.
Do this five times, maybe six, at one-second intervals.
The pump should start running again, and will run for a good long time.

As soon as it stops, as quickly as you can do it, key off, deck the throttle, and key ON and starter till she goes!

Well, because I learned this trick very recently when I had to take all 5 injectors out of my TD5 Discovery at 30 k miles and less than three years (still in warranty, but would YOU want those guys messing with YOUR car?).

Whether by accident or design, when the IGN has been on until the fuel pump stops, and you then cycle the throttle to the deck and back up 5 times, it starts the pump running again, and you can repeat this process any number of times without turning the IGN off.

As it is utterly futile to try to start a TD5 until the fuel gallery is completely purged of air, this method is far better than the book scheme.

You just keep doing it till the fuel pump settles down to a barely audible whine, and that should be the TD5 ready to fire up, but remember it will probably take some cranking to purge the air in the injectors too.

It is a lousy design, which with just a little thought could have been a lot better.

hi charlesy,what you are stating is the "unoficial"methoed as described on webrover.com site in the td5 problem section and and is usually only used when the fuel system has pulled in air such as a filter change and forgetting to fill the new filter with fuel and is advised not to be used when you know there is no air in the fuel line,i dont suspect air ingress in my case. l only hope the independant landrover guy i know as the correct diagnostic wizardery to sort it you never no it may just be the filter is ready for changing,the fuel pump sounds good with a steady low buzz when running,i will post the results on saturday,cheers phil
Hi Phil,
Just been having a think about your td5's problem. Could it be that you've lost some compression. (broken rings, head gasket etc.) Maybe worth doing a compression test while it's in for diagnosis.
If it is a poor starter because of low compressionthere would be a lot of whitish smoke out the exhaust.
If there is NO smoke and she won't run, assume there is no fuel injection, and that's almost certainly for one of two reasons:
1. No fuel being pumped to the engine
2. Air in the fuel gallery in the head

Or of course, BOTH.

Place a bucket under the filter. Open the drain tap on the filter. Fuel should dribble out.
Turn on the IGN. The pump should blow a lot of fuel out.

Check the engine oil level and see if its well over filled and contaminated with fuel, it's not uncommon for the injector seals to fail, this will cause low fuel pressure and bad starting, you say you can hear the pump whining, pumps on Td5's are very quiet unless there's air in the system, under normal conditions you shouldn't be able to hear the pump at all, if there's no air in the system then I'd say possibly a pump fault.
cheers charlsy and clutchdust,i didnt mention it before but my td5 suferd the fuel in the sump problem at 50k and killed itself the owner at the time was told by an independant discovery guru that it was the turbo,it was replaced 2 week later same problem and this time mr guru says you have a hole in one of the pistons caused by it running on its own oil through the turbo,mr guru obviously had not heard of fuel entering the sump by the dribbling injector,crap copper washer,head gasket fialure and so on ,anyway the engine was replaced with an 04 eu3 engine with a garanteed 11k on it,it was ok after that so says previous owner i have been told that an eu3 engine wont run properly on an eu2 ecu wich this td5 would have had to begin with before the engine problem i dont suspect poor compresion ,no smoke ,no coolant loss pulls like a trian when started ,who knows find out saturday i hope,cheers phil:rolleyes:
Quote .... find out saturday i hope,cheers phil:rolleyes:[/quote]

Sure thing, and please be sure to let us know what happens.
This is how we all learn.

That is why they called it "Discovery" in the first place.

Every time the buggers break down becomes a new exercise in Discovery, trying to discover what the Hell is wrong this time!

here we go with the update as promised,my td5 went to the landrover independant guy today for a full service,the big one plus a plug in ,and she had no faults to report on rovacom and was said to be very sweet ,the cold start problem was probably caused by the filter in dire need of a change,i wont know for sure till tommorow then i will try her from cold ,but the wife told me that the filter warning light had flickerd twice whilst she was driving on friday,by the way if anyone kneeds a good td5 man i can recomend the :garage:in ollerton,nottinghamshire they well clued up and £180 for service plus plugin bargian or what,phil:)

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