
Hi Guys,

I hope someone can help. I have recently started getting an intermittent fault on starting the car first thing (1999 TD5). As always, I bring it to ignition check, wait for the glow plug light to go out then on trying to start it doesn't even fire the starter motor (just a single click) and the glow plug warning light stays off. Even if I switch off the ignition completely remove the key and then try again the glow plug light doesn't come back. I've only noticed it when starting it after a lengthy time stopped (e.g. overnight).

Only by chance did I notice that when it does this, I can open the driver's door, close it and then insert the key again and everything seems to start working fine; the glow plug light comes on and then goes off after a few seconds.

It isn't that often, but is now getting more frequent so I want to sort it before an inconvenience becomes a problem.

Any suggestions where to look or what to check?
Have you checked the connections on the starter motor?

I had a starting issue (just got a click but all windows, lights etc worked fine), turned out to be a loose connection on the starter.
I had just the same symptoms. The garage fitted a new starter motor and all was fine, but I suspect that there will be some who say you can repair the existing starter by replacing the brushes
Thanks Guys,

If it is the starter motor have you any idea why would the opening of the door etc clear it and why does the GlowPlug light not come back on during ignition test when the fault is occuring?
as above, the glow plug light is operated from the ecu and is independantly of the actual power supplied to the plugs...the light can be off but the plugs still working...and vice-versa, the ECU will handle it all...but the starter repair is a common fault..and cheap to fix, even if getting the starter off a TD5 is a pain.
I'D deffo do the solenoid kit had very similiar problem recently,if your diy minded its fairly straightforward just remember top nut on starter motor is 15mm not 13mm like the other two.
you dont need to remove starter to fit solenoid kit,there all 10mm fastenings but 10mm flange bolts have 13mm heads and 10 mm flange nuts have 15mm
Thanks Guys... kit on order and will sort as soon as possible.

You're stars! Your help very much appreciated.
you dont need to remove starter to fit solenoid kit,there all 10mm fastenings but 10mm flange bolts have 13mm heads and 10 mm flange nuts have 15mm

Yes it's doable... tryed it myself, after 1 hour struggling to put the contact for the (+) connection i ended up removing the starter ... maybe somebody with smaller hands, much handyness and with more patience would have done it.... IMO removing the top bolt is nothing to putting the contacts in situ
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