
New Member
hello all, i have recently bought a w reg defender 90 csw and i have been getting very high insurance quotes from comparison sites and my lowest being from adrian flux at 2.5k. for reference i am 18 with one years ncd. i dont expect if to be super cheap i just hoped it would have a 1 in front. if anyone has any advice to make it cheaper or companies to look at quotes from that'd be great.
l doubt you'll do much better on a Defender as they are classed as a high risk vehicle.

Your only hope might be to take out a "Classic" policy, although they often require it not to be your main vehicle.
I think you'll be better off phoning up insurance brokers. Of the ones we've spoken to previously, Adrian Flux were the worst (least helpful and most expensive) and Lancaster Insurance were the best.
When I was sorting out insurance for My 18yo daughters mini, Adrian Flux (who I have several car policies with) told me they were not really young person insurance specialists so likely would get a better deal elsewhere. I would start with gocompare and see what comes up
When I was a teenager I got hit by an uninsured driver, car was written off the guy ran from the scene and abandoned his mate whose head was through the windscreen. My insurance went up from £600 to £2,000 over night I was gutted. At that time Tesco came in at £1500 which whilst still high was the best I could get anywhere
Thanks all for the advice, in the end I’ve got my mum as the keeper so she is the policy holder and I’m a named driver for now as it got down to 1.3k.
Just be aware that if you make a claim and the insurance company believe that you are the main driver and not your mother they will not pay out.
And you would probably get done for insurance fraud.
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Thanks all for the advice, in the end I’ve got my mum as the keeper so she is the policy holder and I’m a named driver for now as it got down to 1.3k.

So you are the owner (name on V5) but the insurance have your Mum as the registered keeper? It’s called ‘Fronting’ and insurers will find out if you claim, they have teams dedicated to exposing fraud.

Don’t do it, take the pain until you are 21 - things improve significantly.

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