andy parr

New Member
I had a TD5 10P engine (A 2001 110) that had to be replaced and ended up with a TD5 15P engine. Had to replace the injectors when I first got it. At low speeds it jerks and won't drive on tick over. I called an engine remap firm t but 'apparently' the older 10P ECU's can't be done.
Have now been told to replace the injectors with older black top ones. That's a lot of money.
Are 2nd hand ones worth the risk?
Will Discovery TD5 injectors fit?
Any other options available?
15p TD5 uses green top injectors or the later blue top ones, the pressure is much higher on 15p versions.
I dont know if the black tops would work correctly because the rocker arms on the 15p should be different, cant be sure but it may cause damage if you dont use the correct rocker with the correct injector.
The ECU map will be different and that maybe your problem, you may need the later ECU so it can be loaded with the correct map.
Have you had any kind of diagnostic kit on it to check for faults?
I believe that the later rocker may compress the injector plunger more than the earlier one so if changing to black injectors, you would need the earlier rocker too.
Easier to change the ECU to the later type - or buy a 10p engine (which I have for sale just rebuilt!) I might have the ECU too, will have a look.
Disco injectors would be fine. I have those too.

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