
Active Member
Been reliably informed today that my 2001 disco td5 vibration issue is down to a slight imbalance on injector 4...but I'm happy as it seems dual mass flywheel isn't fooked after all. I was thinking to plump for new injector there and then but then thought would that be hasty? Could it be a dodgy harness even tho no oil at ecu plug? Would a simple dose of good quality fuel treatment help? Is adjustment likely to help? Anyone with similar experience? Thanks as always.
Maybe wrong terminology, not so much adjustment as checking rocker/injector clearances to ensure they are as per manual.
Thats interesting, sort of thing I was looking for as injectors ain't exactly cheap and I don't want to replace one only to find the problem is elsewhere. Something else lead you to the MAF sensor or was it just coincidence that this corrected the imbalance? Did you have any vibrations when you had the imbalance?
Hi "reliably informed" by whom?
Having been down the dodgy injector road myself, here are my thoughts.
Do the easy/free/cheap things first, injector clearances, injector loom, red ECU plug clean?
MAF check, unplug clean etc.
Ideally a diagnostic check, or have you already done this?
Injector washers/seals
Injector testing by a proper company with a Hartridge or similar tester.
Exchange injectors are around £150 each from a proper company.
Thanks for your info Mark.
The injector issue did show up on diagnostics yes, I did see it with the slight imbalance on cylinder 4 although it wasn't excessive.
Fully agree with your approach, I have already checked red ecu plug and it's completely spotless. No visible defects under rocker cover. I will try unplugging MAF tomorrow and see if it makes any difference. If not then I will order new injector harness and check clearances while fitting.
Thats interesting, sort of thing I was looking for as injectors ain't exactly cheap and I don't want to replace one only to find the problem is elsewhere. Something else lead you to the MAF sensor or was it just coincidence that this corrected the imbalance? Did you have any vibrations when you had the imbalance?
The maf was reading low, top speed was around 65mph which equated to a maf reading of around 450, truck had a roughness to it at tick over.
I changed the maf to sort the low readings out, and as a by product of that it smoothed out the roughness, as proved by my hawkeye, the injector balance readings went from +/-10 on 1 cylinder to all 5 +/-2.
OK cheers. The maximum deviation on my injector 4 was +8. As mentioned before its only a slight roughness at idle, some might not even notice. I will be trying all the easy to do today and will post findings.

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