I have the EKA code from my Nanocom so if I enter this I should be able to start it should I?
Would this have to be done each time I need to start it? Sorry to be so thick but at my age
I don't seem to think so clearly :)
Another thought will the 'system' let me change the EKA code with Nanocom to something with lower numbers, three of them
are quite high and will be a pain to enter?
Once remobilised with EKA you can connect nanocom go into "BCU - settings - alarm-other" and set alarm to 'not fitted' alarm option - 'disabled' then you'll not need EKA each time you want to start it and yes you can put what EKA you want from small numbers in 'Utility' second page... just dont miss to write settings at the end then exit the menu untill nanocom switches off and wait 60 seconds
Thanks sierrafery, I think I owe you a beer or two for all your help and information.
Once I know it starts I'll pass the headlining job on to the garage where they have fit and able
persons to deal with it, I hope :)
I now have a working vehicle and am no longer stranded thanks to you :)
This is probably a silly question but in case I need to lock the vehicle can I just use the key in the door without
re-activating the immobiliser function?
Replacing the RF receiver has gone on hold because a rough quote from the garage is a bit over the top, so I am
going to try and wait until someone can give me a hand to do it. Dropping the headlining is a time consuming
job compared to about two minutes to change the receiver, who designed this? :-(
Thanks sierraferry, I was careful not to try it in case I lost control again so thought
I'd just check with someone who knows. So there is no panic to replace the receiver
until I can find an assistant :)
I'll be interested to open up the faulty receiver once it is out, to determine what has failed.

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