My Discovery 2 TD5 ES heated leather drivers heated seat just burns the side of my right thigh and nothing more... maybe it will work further but i have to turn it off before finding out due to the burning pain.

Anyone else had a similar problem?

I'm guessing its the padding in the seat although its still in really good condition, so maybe its the heating element thats the problem rather than the seat itself... just trying to decide the best possible approach prior to having to pull the leather off the seat.
Shorted heating element, dont use it anymore cos it will burn the circuit too, replace it, happened to me too, i bought universal carbon fiber pads, fitted those to both seats and spliced into the car's circuit at the plug ... though you'll have to remove the covers and some frigging metal clips but with some handiness it's not a killer, easyer with seats removed
will be fixing mine soon same as in the p38 just remove the seat strip it down and resolder where the wires brocken are job done im going to upgrade the seat stat to cos there pants
I'd be interested to see how is to resolder a short circuit though :rolleyes:
i dont think its short tbh my experience with these heated seats and iv done a few now is the heating element/wire breaks or burns out either is common so.................i think it sbroken but arking therefore burning therefore creating heat, if it had shorted then then whole lot would go up and blow a fuse.

by its very nature the heating element is just a wire with resistance so its all ready a short and should read so with a metre across it :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p:pbless
mine had a short and bypassed some of the other elements which made the resistance of the whole setup lower but not as low to blow the fuse but to heat up more...IMO when once it started to brake or short or something it will fail somewhere else after a soldering as the resistance is burnt out

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