
New Member
Driving to work this morning, it was snowing so very cold. The engine temperature very gradually increased to the quater way mark and stayed there for about 4 miles then all of a sudden the needle went to just above the middle (where it usually is) on the temperature guage. Also my engine seems to perform better when its warm.

Are these things normal or could there be a problem?

Sounds fairly normal, the step in the temperature rise will be the thermostat opening, and engine will work better when warm, as the temperature thins the oil and lessens the resistance.
Sounds very normal to me, you defiantly can tell when it is running nice and warm.
Thanks for the relpy, my autobox doesnt change to top gear untill quite late either when the engines cold but does when warm, what could that be? seems a strange problem as Ive never had an auto before

The thickness of the fluid changes with temperature just like the engine oil, sounds like it's not flowing well until warm, which could be normal to a degree, but could mean:
  1. low fluid
  2. wrong fluid
  3. blocked filter
Maybe it's time to see if a service makes a difference, i.e. new fluid and filter.
What do you mean by fluid, coolant? Because i've just had a new waterpump fitted after owning it for 2 days which meant draining it all
The water temp gauge is not "linear" if thats the correct saying, it does go from 1/4 straight to half, dunno why they designed it like that, but thats land rover for you

Thanks for the relpy, my autobox doesnt change to top gear untill quite late either when the engines cold but does when warm, what could that be? seems a strange problem as Ive never had an auto before


Perfectly normal, the ECU wont allow the box to change up till the oil temp is right
I was meaning automatic transmission fluid not coolant. My water pump went within a couple of weeks of getting mine too!

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