In the good old days, 3000, on diesel was a good driving limit, OK,modern ones can go to higher revs, I get about 85mph, at 3000 rev on my motor home, which is more than fast enough, I don't think I would want to be sat in it at 6000, in my D2 for that matter especially if it running away an about to go boom
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In the good old days, 3000, on diesel was a good driving limit, OK,modern ones can go to higher revs, I get about 85mph, at 3000 rev on my motor home, which is more than fast enough, I don't think I would want to be sat in it at 6000, or my D2 for that matter especially if it running away an about to go boom

they change up somewhere in the area of 5000, over 4000 but not sure where, as not often full throttling.

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