Dear All,

Firstly: Advent Greetings

Now the "here we go again" script;99 TD5 140,000 miles
On the motorway after dark, sudden power loss which made me notice the temperature gauge was nearly in the red (normally rock solid never moves after warming up). Also noticed heater was blowing cold so assumed water loss. A few minutes on the hard shoulder; temperature normalised so decide to make a run for home. About two miles, same thing so came home via RAC.
Next day: no water loss; system 'belched' some coolant on opening header cap; no water in oil; no funny exhaust. Drove about 3 miles in morning traffic to Garage: came up to temperature more quickly than normal but then dropped back at one point; still no heat from heater.
Garage has yet to find a cause and, so far, has only changed the thermostat and, as of my calling on them this morning, had had the engine running for an hour (still nothing much from the heater) and were about to take it out for a spin.
First thoughts were head gasket or water pump but there is not much evidence to support either and we (me) can't afford to fix something that isn't bust

I could do with some 'wise men'


head cracked or head gasket if it cooks over 50mph on boost it is head and speak to "ratty" as head needs heating to successfully reveal crack
Exactly the same symptons on mine - was a failed head gasket

symptons only occured when under heavy load not normal driving
..and similar to mine.....can someone please explain why the internal heaters dont belch out heat when the rest of the system is overheating?

..and similar to mine.....can someone please explain why the internal heaters dont belch out heat when the rest of the system is overheating?


have you bled the system properly, its common to get air trapped, which explais heater not working, and overheating
Dear All,

Belated Happy New Year/Easter (even). After more than three months I thought I should follow up from my original report. As I said my garage man would not replace the head gasket as he said there was no evidence that this was the problem.
Since then I have driven it (motorway/urban) but noticed a leak from the top hose where it joins the head, so periodically topped up. When properly warmed up the top hose becomes rigid and stays that way on cooling unless I release pressure by unscrewing the header cap. Running temperature is stable and the heater works but I know the system is full of 'muck'. So we start cold with ambient pressure; warm up to some running positive pressure, but do not return to ambient on cooling (except by way of the small leak). I assume that the running pressure is too high (though I see no blow-off from the header cap) and, in any event, do not understand how the system can pressurize then not return to its cold state. I woud have expected a gasket leak to have worsened over this period of time. Grateful for comments on this

head gasket, leaking on exhaust side, which causes the pressure, not blowing out of rad cap as you already have a leak on the hose so allowing some pressure to escape, pressurizing is more noticable at motorway speeds after a few miles
yes, head gasket, I have the same but keeping it running until I can afford the kit. After a while you'll get some steam out of the exhaust when first started (if the car hasnt been driven for a few days), seems to depend on piston rest position for the area of gasket thats failed. I also have no unusual pressurisation of the coolant system, but slight loss of a 'half cup' every couple of weeks.

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