Thanks for that point, Shifty. I think his point was about extra heat with extra power plus the extra revs around the turbo area. I still cannot make my mind up on the type of chip or re-mapping to go for. Being '01 limits me but TD5alive has a good name for himself on the work he has done for others.

I cant see how the turbo shaft could shear just by spinning a bit faster. It already turns at silly speeds when running flat out. The only thing I can envisage going wrong is the bearing lubrication but if anything the oil pump provides more than enough pressure and flow to ensure the bearing does not burn up. A floating shaft turning at 20000rpm does not require any more oil pressure than one turning at 25000rpm. It may need more flow to help cooling but I'm no expert.
Thanks for that point, Shifty. I think his point was about extra heat with extra power plus the extra revs around the turbo area. I still cannot make my mind up on the type of chip or re-mapping to go for. Being '01 limits me but TD5alive has a good name for himself on the work he has done for others.

Dont forget that Gary can convert your supposedly non-writable ECU chip to the later pluggable type. I watched him do mine and it took about an hour but now my ECU is just the same as a later one.
I will give him a bell tomorrow - can't drive there - too far by far, Somerset to North Lincs unless he is working between Christmas & New Year. How do you find your TD5 now? Much difference?

Dont forget that Gary can convert your supposedly non-writable ECU chip to the later pluggable type. I watched him do mine and it took about an hour but now my ECU is just the same as a later one.
Completely transformed.
Drives more like a car so no probs pulling out and accelerating.
Can even overtake with confidence and it has done a sat nav confirmed 100 mph. Scary but nice to know it can. I have not changed any gear ratios but I'm sure that with a Disco transfer box it would go even faster.
Oodles more low down torque which is what I wanted as I tow a double horse box.
MPG is about the same but I've not really tried to measure it accurately.
I've got no complaints. Not cheap but you do get a tailored package.
Decisions decisions - I hear through the grape vine that someone is going to be selling loads of plug-in's in the New Year at a sensible price.

That oportunity versus the fact that Garry personalizes your chip to your vehicle or Jermery Fern on a 4x4 test bed:confused::confused::confused:
You could always pick up a later ECU on fleabay (average less than £100) and get Gary to do his magic on that. He would probably need to see your old one for things like injector codes but this way you can go back to stock if you need to.

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