
New Member
Not sure if peeps will moan ive put this in the wrong place but thought i should let anyone in the EXETER area know about the 2 tossers who tryed to have my td5 away at about 06:00 this morning (02/09)
Might have been some drunks on their way home? why else would anyone be on the streets at 6 in the morning, unless you were going to work perhaps? Thankfully you've still got your TD5, was there any damage?
Were there any security devices fitted to the 90 at the time of the attempted theft - e.g. Disklok and/or Clutch-Claw? I guess from what you say that you saw them before any proper attempt was made.
yeah damage was done steering lock and barrell neighbour saw them as he was coming home from night shift!! said 1 was undernaeth the truck? and other inside, they saw him and legged it he followed in his taxi but they then went down a footpath got out to give chase but couldnt see where they had gone
called old bill but it wasnt an emergancy!?? then gave details and got told................ that somebody from the scenes of crime would be intouch with in the next 4-5hrs!! in that time please dont touch anything on the vehicle!! bloody joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for extra security i have 2 toggle switchs 1 to fuel pump and 2nd to starter hidden in the truck so dont think they would of got it or should i say hope they wouldnt have got it
that somebody from the scenes of crime would be intouch with in the next 4-5hrs!! in that time please dont touch anything on the vehicle!! bloody joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a bloody joke but it's no good blaming plod......they're taking cuts just like everything else :mad:
yeah damage was done steering lock and barrell neighbour saw them as he was coming home from night shift!! said 1 was undernaeth the truck? and other inside, they saw him and legged it he followed in his taxi but they then went down a footpath got out to give chase but couldnt see where they had gone
called old bill but it wasnt an emergancy!?? then gave details and got told................ that somebody from the scenes of crime would be intouch with in the next 4-5hrs!! in that time please dont touch anything on the vehicle!! bloody joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for extra security i have 2 toggle switchs 1 to fuel pump and 2nd to starter hidden in the truck so dont think they would of got it or should i say hope they wouldnt have got it

Thanks for the feedback :) Sounds like they knew there was a switch somewhere but didn't get the chance to crack it. There is probably no good reason for these people to go on existing.
Probably for the best you had the kill switches. They slowed them down enough that someone disturbed them.

Don't forget to buy the neighbour a few pints, he could've done what so many do these days and turned a blind eye.

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