Hello out there again. So, had problems with 2000 td5 immobiliser. Having read numerous threads from others i decided that after i had changed batteries in both fobs,with no joy, that i would start with receiver,and seeing that both sunroofs were leaking it would be a two birds one stone type of thing.

After removal of the head lining and sunroofs i was looking at the receiver thinking "what an awkward place to put it" and then i thought "has it got to be there?"

So my question is just that, has it got to be there? can i lengthen the wires and put it somewhere that is easier to get to if there is ever a problem. I realise that its original position is for security but i could easily hide it somewhere else. Does position give better response to the fob ?

Anyway if i have sounded a bit thick then sorry but i know someone out there will put me right !!! Cheers
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IMO you can put it where ever you want...just test it with the fob from several positions around the car before you make it final
The immobiliser receiver is the coil below the steering wheel, above the head lining is the receiver for the central locking/alarm ecu.

So as u say you had a problem with your "immobiliser" then you have no need to bother with the receiver above the head lining.

I would assume the receiver was placed at a high level to increase it's range, the D1 receiver is behind the glovebox and the range is poor around 2-3m from the vehicle.
Thanks discool. Your right of course, i meant to say that the fobs would not open the doors thus the car is "immobilised" until that operation takes place.That is why i fingered the reciever in the roof.
Thanks discool. Your right of course, i meant to say that the fobs would not open the doors thus the car is "immobilised" until that operation takes place.That is why i fingered the reciever in the roof.

OK your correct :) that would be the first port of call for the iffy central locking.
The postion of the receiver is ok but the problem is that condensation forms above the headlining, on the tin roof, and as we all know electronics don't like it.
If there any dampness from a sunroof then there will be condensation :(.

There's nothing to stop the receiver being sealed up in a plastic bag.
Right, replaced reciever and all is now working well. I have decided to extend wires to resite reciever somewhere other than behind head lining. Idle chat in pub bought up subject of interference. my plan was somewhere by fuses under steering wheel. What do you think ? where would your idea be ? Cheers Discool.
Yes that's a safe place, a D1 has a bit of a void to the left of the fuse holders, that's where my Bluetooth ecu is stored tie wraped to some metalwork or other.

Get an idea of the signal in the factory position and see if it's the same under the dash hopefully it will be. :)

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