Wheel arches are the nutz, should have got them years ago.
Interesting mix of woodland mulch n mud n puddles on the dirt track leading to my house, a few pot holes ( think sand bunker on golf course) full of water had to do a few runs to screwfix today, drivers door was mud free! ( rest of truck looks like its just done stage 3 of the lombard rac rally....)
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265/75 R16 119R BFG All Terrain T/A KO 2 Commercial are a game changer.
Very happy indeed with them, excleent in the wet n snow superb in motorway.
3K or so done in them so far..
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i am seriously impressed, cant notice any tyre noise on tarmac or motorway at all.
Superbb traction in snow / ice / mud etc and very good on wet tarmac unlice the ZXL's which are pretty ,much ice skates
Started dumping fuel from the back this morn, only with engine so pump or lines and not a tank puncture. Had to drive home like a loon before i ran out, trundled into the cfar port at home and she died wihting 20 seceonds that was too close.

So i had to find the A team music again and set to it.

Problem found and job done in 25mins.
Problem is bottom pic, How the **** it that even possible?

Just got to tidy this mess and to make good

PS i smell like a diesel pump FFS totally covered.

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@Hicap phill Think just do same as i did with the last hole i made for the leaking filler overflow. I have ordered a 300 x 300 3mm alu plate, will pop it over the gap and seal seal it down. job done. can always get back in easy,

Like this

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