
Hi all. My chassis is getting pretty rusty and probably needs replaced rather than patched up. Both outriggers have serious corrosion, the cross member does too and there is a hole in the main rail. I am getting quotes of around 6-7K for a replacement galvanised chassis and then of course there are the other things that you may as well do at the same time so it’s probably 8K or so when all is done. I can’t really afford this at the moment. The garages I got the quieted from are Landy specialists. Am I on a fool’s errand if ai was looking for another garage in the south east to do the same job a bit cheaper? Alternatively does anyone have an idea of how much repairing it would be?
I am no expert, but would say 6/7k was slightly excessive if it is just the straight chassis swap, if its new brake pipes/suspension, then maybe okay, but still sounds dear to me.
When covid allows, book yourself a week's holiday in a lovely hotel in Cornwall, bring your truck.

Drop it off here...

(It's near Liskeard)
You'll still have change when compared to your quote of 6/7k! :D
Is that £6-7k just for fitting a new chassis or are they factoring in new bushes and bits and bobs? The price of the extras soon adds up, just the price of nuts and bolts is startling.

Is that £6-7k just for fitting a new chassis or are they factoring in new bushes and bits and bobs? The price of the extras soon adds up, just the price of nuts and bolts is startling.

It does include bolts, bushes and brake lines as far as I know. I would be prepared to get some of the extras done At the same time as I understand it’s a good opportunity to do them. The prices I have gotten so far are mostly from Landy specialists and one includes black powder coating on top of the galvanised chassis, which is great. I don’t mind paying a specialist garage as I know they have really good knowledge and experience but I can’t quite afford it just now. I think I will probably get a new cross member and some patching done then put a bit away every month and do the proper job in about three years time.
The rear x members are nto to bad to diy, not done the outriggers so cannot comment.

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