
New Member
Hi all I've got a 2006 56 plate td4 and the last few weeks it's been playing up starting now and again.

I can start it use it and got example it will run fine I can stop at the shop and when I get back in it it will turn over but won't start. after awhile of trying it started, its done this 2-3 times now but has always started in the end.

Anyway I went to use it tonight and jumped in and its turning over bit won't fire, I noticed as I'm turning it over the engine management light with the exclamation mark is staying on ?

Any ideas please ?
The thin wire on the back of the starter motor might need pushing on a bit (spade connector) - mines done this a few times ...wouldnt know about the engine light tho -coz mine aint got one ;)

OOps it turns over so cant be that sorry - Im a numpty :eek:
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It was cold last night and had not been used all day but it turned over but wouldn't start.

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