
New Member
So, it all started with the engine swap, now I'm chasing down the new noises..
This one is a whirring/wahwahwahwahwahwah in time with engine speed, at 2000rpm ish and above, worse when warm, with the car stationary as well as movin'
Mentioned to the guy who did the engine swap, he reckons the power steering pump, although all the bits are original to the car and not replaced during the engine swap.
Read something on here mentioning there is a filter in the steering fluid reservoir which can get full o crap, and makes such a whirring noise.. anyone else had this?

Another problem which its in for right now is the engine fault light coming on at 3000rpm, and won't rev higher or change gear.. hoping this one is just a blocked turbo vent/breather thingy as I read on here yesterday!!

no not rubbing but worn out they do on the TD4 , the best I can describe it is they are a 2 piece pully stuck together and when the inside wears this is when you get the metal swarf around it. hope this helps
Well I think I've found the problem.. will know more at the weekend when I can get around to doing it.
I read a very long thread about checking/renewing fluid in the TD4 auto box, and if the level is too low then 'flaring' between gears occurs and also a growling noise due to the cavitation of air in the 'box. Now these are EXACTLY the symptoms the gaylander has, and the garage says the only thing they did to the 'box during the engine swap was drain and fill it, as apparently they had to take both out as a unit, but needed to drain first.

I'm guessin if this is the problem, damage would have been done, as its been driven at least 200 miles like this!
Job done, noises gone, no revving between gear changes.

I was pretty shocked when I only got just over 1.5 liters of oil out of the 'box, pretty brown it was too.
Followed the procedure when refilling and ended up putting the best part of 4 liters back in.
No sign of any leaks from the box beforehand, and the noises and revving were apparent from the moment I picked the gaylander up from the garage.

Just a bit worried how much damage has been done from the garage's (Land Rover specialist!!!) lack of ability/knowledge/etc etc..
Guess I'll be havin a word in their ear like.
Just had an oil change on my auto box and have to say the difference is incredible. Much quieter, it "bites" more readily (less slipping) and changes are very smooth. If the oil was that badly discoloured and that low, I'd definitely be asking some very searching questions of the garage!
My only thought as to what went wrong is they didn't run it through all gears to get the fluid into all the passages.. seem possible?
Bear in mind the level was over 2L too low!

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