
New Member

Sorry if this has been covered but I couldn't find it by searching...

Our 2005 Freelander TD4 75000m started to flash it's engine warning light now and again a few weeks ago and then refused to start sometimes but would then miraculously recover for no apparent reason.....a local garage and the AA man diagnosed faulty fuel pump (rear arch version) so I replace the fuel pump and filter (with LR parts) and it runs OK now.

My problem is that when I turn the key to position 1 prior to starting, the glowplugs function correctly and the fuel pump can be heard running but the fuel pump does not stop. I thought it was meant to stop after 10 seconds or so, but ours just keeps going indefinitely. I guess it runs all the time once the engine is running and so long as we don't leave the ignition switched on with the engine off it won't burn out.....?

I am concerned that there may be something else (fuel rail presure sensor?) at fault that has caused the original pump to fail and may send this one the same way.....? Can anyone offer any advice? Is that a common chain of events?

I would like to take it back to the garage but feel a bit guilty/awkward as I took it in there for a diagnosis (£25+VAT) but then did the job myself (£130) as they wanted around £350....

Hope you can help

I think it's supposed to time out after about a minute with the ignition on, have you tried it for that long?
I think mine runs for about 30 seconds then stops - possibly slightly longer but I have not timed it.

If it does not stop at all then I would check all the connections at the pump.

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