I've smashed the living hell out of it, and been rocking it back and forth so much the non spinning wheel has dug a massive rut aha. Time to get the wheel and drum off methinks.
Blimey, it never rains but it pours. :eek:
I try not to use the handbrake if I can help it to avoid this happening. If the brake is jammed on then good luck to you getting the hub off. Maybe with the wheel off you might be able to bash the hub at the sweet spot. If not then it might be time to get the angle grinder out and buy a new hub.
Tight, took the drum off, was some rusty dust on the shoes, blew it off, put drum back on and now it's fine. Gonna service both the rear brakes soon.

Running wise its fine, some blue smoke at first but all gone now.

Fixed just in time for mot. Need some new tyres though. It's 18inch sport wheels, any suggestions?

And thanks for everyone that's replied to this thread, you lot have really helped me out!
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Nice to hear there was no permanent damage, hope you greased the handbrake mechanism when the hub was off. They get sticky after a while.

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