Active Member
Hi All, Still trying to get to bottom of why my Freelander TD4 2005 takes multiple attempts to start.
I have so far renewed fuel pump and filter at rear wheel arch ; Done the starter motor solenoid repair kit ; Replaced battery and put in two new glow plugs. Today I carried out the static and crank leak off tests. .
I think I done it correctly and if so can see no leaking injectors. Can you have look at video and give me your thoughts ? Just for info the car has only done 97k miles and has 7 service stamps in book.

Has anyone managed to have a look / listen for me ? Hoping someone can spot or hear something Im missing :)
Injectors are meant to be plugged in while doing leak back test

Also didn't see the ignition only fuel pump running test but ideally you'll need some clear tubes on the spill return on top of the injectors so you can see how much each one emits
Hi thanks for comments . There are two test on these forums for leak back. I think its chaser who posted them.
The first is just ignition on final position (not cranking). For this the leak off pipes have to be removed and the pipe running from front of engine plugged.
The connectors don't need to be removed for that test. I ran that test and had no leakage whatsoever.
The video I took was of the second stage test where its the same set up as before but with the electrical connectors removed and key is turned to crank the engine.
I read your link and it also mentions unplugging cam sensor. I didnt do that as dont think that was mentioned on chasers post. Perhaps thats something ive missed.

The tests I was running was to see if poor starting is injector related. I believe these two tests are the ones that would identify this rather than having to go on to the full leak test with tubing and containers.The car runs great once started its purely getting it to start that's the problem :)
Hi there

Are you getting good compression in the cylinders ??
this could compromise good starting ability
You need to get it plugged into a diagnostic box before you start spending any more money, it could be one of many sensors.
Hi I don't have the tools to carry out compression test but it doesn't have any symptoms other than poor starting. It ticks over nicely ,drives and accelerates absolutely fine. I had it plugged in to snap on diagnostic machine and it had no fault codes hence my continued search. :confused:

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