D m

New Member
I need help I’m chasing a difficult to start problem on my 2004 Freelander TD4 when it does start it’s a bit lumpy until I give it high revs for about 3 seconds there’s a lot of white smoke out of the exhaust then runs perfectly without smoke. I have replaced:
MAF sensor
2x injectors
Crank sensor
Fuel pump and filter
Fuel high pressure regulator washers
Although it has improved the problem still persists.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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.. and the crankcase vent filter ??
has the fuel rail sensor plug / socket pins been cleaned .. wires checked for corrosion .. ?
noting any stored fault codes if possible, would help ...
i guess in current temps, could be a glow-plug issue,
how's it start with a warm engine ?
It’s usually injection related in my experience. You might wanna do some basic checks like an injector leak off test. If you have two brand new injectors then compare the return from them to the two older ones. If there’s a significant difference you will likely need more injectors.
I suspect you have an injector which is bleeding down into the cylinder overnight. This means it's empty on the morning starting, giving the rough running, and the smoke is the fuel in the piston crown burning off once it's firing.

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