
New Member
TD4 with 69000 on clock. When starting up runs rough and sounds like not all cylinders firing. Get white smoke from exhaust. As soon as revs build up the problem goes away. Been like this for some time but seems to be getting progressively worse.

Would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.

Thanks all.
(Blue smoke - oil, black smoke - excess fuel) so that's two ruled out. White smoke is usually water, hows the expansion tank level? If so, cylinder head gasket but the turbo on it's way out can blow out all sorts of smoke. How's the servicing been?
white smoke in this instance sounds like unburnt fuel. That pretty much narrows it down to either glow plugs (I would say it's too warm for them to be at fault) or a faulty injector.
Thanks TD. Tried a dose of injector cleaner. Not a complete cure but at least 100% improvement. Will give it another dose after another couple of tankfuls.
Appreciate everyones help.
Have a good day.

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