
New Member
Evening All,
I have an X reg TD4 with an issue, About a month ago the Mrs had and has continued to have an intermittent warm/hot starting fault (in that it wouldn't) anyway I put it down to the cam sensor and Saturday just gone we scrapped together £56 for a new one. As I was making a start on fitting the new sensor I noticed the header tank was bone dry so went about topping it up until my feet got wet as the new coolant p#?*ed out the Radiator. At this point, in went some Rad Weld and that sorted that problem out. I asked the wife who told me there was a big puddle under the front of the motor a few weeks ago but she thought nothing of it (Bless her) this made me think the problems maybe linked so I left it at that and didn't change the cam sensor however since Saturday it continued to refuse to start when hot, its probably worth mentioning the temp gauge doesn't go above half way and the wife says this was the case even without coolant. I've been bleeding the coolant every day since until today when no air came out however it doesn't seem to get hot enough for the fans to come on despite the fact I could do a full Sunday roast on the bonnet. This morning after bleeding the coolant, I disconnected the temp sensor and now the fans are on permanently with the ignition on and hay presto it starts on the button every time. So what's the problem? cam sensor or the temp sensor or both? I know the TD4 runs pretty hot anyway but it seems a bit excessive and given its now running cooler with the fans running I'm thinking the temp sensor but with it connected the gauge read half suggesting its ok, I read a post that said they don't generally go over halfway as in my case, even with an old sleeping bag over the front grill to get it to warm up and the fans to kick in. I'm pretty desperate to sort this out quick as I'm off to Gatwick from Devon this weekend and I don't fancy missing my flight, the Rad will have to wait until after my holiday, thank you Rad Weld.
you should never put anything like rad weld in it can cause other problems ,and it sounds as though it could be your temperature sensor . have you tried putting the connector back on , cam sensor would have nothing to do with the fans .what the problem with the cam sensor is when you have the engine hot and switch off and come back to it 20 mins later it will not start ,this is a break down of the cam sensor, but it will start when cold,
hope this helps you out
Thanks for your thoughts and replying. Yes, that was the problem in that it would start after 20 minutes/Half an hour. When the rad started gushing out the coolant I thought that might be the reason for the cam sensor throwing a wobbler but from what your saying the damage is done and was probably on its way out anyway as well as the temp sensor. I've not reconnected it yet but I'll give it ago tomorrow. As for the rad weld, I totally agree but there's only so much you can do without £272 for a rad (LR Dealer). Once I get back from my holiday I'll be giving it a flush through and replacing the rad. Having said that, with the Mrs driving around with no coolant for so long I think she has cooked the turbo as well! the intercooler was full of oil too. And to top it all off, there's now oil in the new coolant so I reckon the coolant pump is goosed as well. I'll give it a good clean up before heading to Gatwick with plenty of spare fluids in the boot and hope for the best. Next month is going to hit the wallet hard. Still the things a sent to try us so they say. At least my AA cover is up to date LOL.
Thanks again.
Oh, please don't go talking up stuff like that LoL, I'm thinking I'd do well to just patch it up and let the Mrs run it into the ground and invest in a new motor as and when it explodes. I'll probably end up spending out more fixing it than is worth. I could sell it for spears and get some cash back, most of it is still in good nick!
Oh, please don't go talking up stuff like that LoL, I'm thinking I'd do well to just patch it up and let the Mrs run it into the ground and invest in a new motor as and when it explodes. I'll probably end up spending out more fixing it than is worth. I could sell it for spears and get some cash back, most of it is still in good nick!
Sell it for spears???
Are they worth much then, is there a whole world of spear trading I'm missing out on. :)
Good luck either way
Well, I was thinking of just chucking it on ebay as a none runner "for spears and repairs". I'll probably end up fixing until we can get a new motor. The Mrs is a community carer and needs the car to get from one house to another, so to just get rid of it isn't really an option. I think I'll just keep it going as long as I can and put some cash back ready for the day it dies.

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