Hi there
when you say a overhaul kit what is the problem with your engine
if it is oil coming out of the dipstick tube and smoking badly out of the exhaust them more than likely its only the oil breather filter on top of the engine which can cause these probs
should be changed every 12000 mls
regards gaz
Yes there is alot of black smoke coming from the exhaust. It started after my drive belt busted and I drove the vehicle about 30 miles to the repair shop. Mechanic said I need to change gaskets, o rings etc....and said I needed an overhaul kit or get a reconditioned engine.....can't find any.....help:mad:
Presumably you mean the auxiliary drive belt that drives the alternator and the water pump. So perhaps that 30 mile drive wasn't such a good idea as the engine may well have overheated. More information would be useful although the "mechanic" sems to be generalising a bit. There must be something specific wrong.
Yes the auxilliary belt....mechanic did mention the engine had overheated.
After going to the agents and busting 5 Aux belts, I went to another repair shop ....the mechanic took a look and said one of your pulleys is not straight and thats the problem with the belt busting.
In fact I may have to write a book on the amount of problems I have had with the vehicle....just so many problems:mad:

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