
New Member

I am hoping someone might have the answer for me as the garage appear to be useless!!
We have a 2001 TD4 Freelander which for some reason will not start at random times!! We have had a full diagnostic test done- no fault. It seems to vary in the length of time you have to leave it before it will start. The car is chugging as though its trying to start but just not firing up. I have the following suggestions
Cam Sensor, Fuel pump injectors, Fuel pressure Sensor connector.
Just wondering if i need to replace all of the above or if anyone has had the same fault??
It hasn't done it for a month and then last night it just wouldnt start. Also if you keep turning the key to try and fire it up, it will not start- had foot flat to the floor on the excelerator!! However went out to start it this morning and it fired up just fine!!

Any suggestions gratefully recieved!!!!!!!!!!:)
Start by doing an injector leak off test. Leaking injectors are a common cause of bad starting.

A cam sensor fault tends to mostly affect hot starts rather than the first cold start.

Fuel pressure sensor connections are easy enough to check and clean anyway so do that. Would think there would be other running problems if it was that.

Putting the accelerator to the floor won't make any difference anyway until engine has fired.
intermittent faults are always difficult to pin point,
the best way of solving these are by elimination , depending on the cost/effort involved

before you start spending too much money ,

Q1,,, when you turn on the ignition ,can you here the fuel pump running and how long dose it run before cutting out

Q2,,is the glow plug relay light coming on for a few seconds

Q3,, is the engine cranking over fast enough

if you can answer yes to all Qs

from your description of the symptoms ,, i would go for the cam sensor, its easy to replace and not too expensive (£40)

good luck
Hello, this is my first message. I have exactly the same problem with my 2001 Freelander TD4. Two weeks ago, the vehicle just wouldn't start. I renewed the filter and piping. It started,went for a mile and cut out. Bear in mind it has been -15 up here in Scotland. Ive renewed the Fuel Pump today. It works perfectly. It started first time after a bit of a struggle and drove for 5 miles (with a friend behind) perfectly. When i stopped, i checked it started, it did. An hour later the damn thing turned over and over without a hint of a bite.

A few ideas friends are suggesting : clogged up filter in rear diesel pump, air getting into the system somewhere or even an Immobiliser malfunction. A sensor problem has also been thrown in the ring.

What does this forum think it can be? Cam Sensor as mentioned above?
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just had all the same symptoms,luckily i have a spare td4 and swapped all the affore mentioned parts with no luck,then done injector leak back test and it was one injector got a reconned one and replaced burst into life right away,so id put my money on leaky injector
Thanks it has now happened 3 days on the trot!! Hopefully looking at the above tommoro so i will let you know the outcome!! Will try the injectors first. If i need to replace one of them how easy are they to get hold off??? Sorry bit of a novice when it comes to things like this!! Thanks for your suggestions lets hope i get it fixed tommorow!!!

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