Rafe Dent

After experiencing worsening sluggish performance and a horrendous tick-over - but strangely enough quite good mid-top end performance, I visited L/R to get quote on leak back tests/ injectors etc – wow, thousands of francs.

So I decided to take the forum advice that made the most sense and found a local self-proclaimed expert who worked in a garage that reeked suitably of old diesel. They carried out what I can see now was a thorough test - extracted all injectors onto the workbench and performed leak back and flow rate tests at various pressure settings up to 1,300 bar - on all 4 injectors with print-outs as 'proof'.

At this stage I was probably about 150 euros down if he'd put them all back in again, but his advice was to change the 2 he'd diagnosed as inoperative - so that added 220 euros each. He insisted on changing the filter (according to him the root of most problems and should be changed at 20,000km on any diesel) which added a chunk, and so I came out 800 euros down eventually.

But what a difference! The full test was not the most expensive part - and the test so fully explained all old engine characteristics (such as low speed roughness, high speed fine) that I can't see how anyone could diagnose anything much without this sort of full professional test. Turns out he's one of only two centres in the department who can do it.

Test results attached. Hope this helps others diagnose strange TD4 running characteristics.


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Just goes to show that someone who knows what they are talking about is usually the best route to getting your problems fixed. Too many garages just want to throw parts at problems. Well done!
Yep, diesel has many advantages, but also disadvantages - in repair costs.

Is there a short cut? I don’t know, but I’m not really convinced otherwise after that experience.

You could just change all 4. But I certainly couldn’t have - no extraction tools (and not enough skill) - and there again, how did you know there was a problem with even one of them? And you also get into needless expenditure on the good ones. As I said above, the real cost was replacing the dodgy injectors - not the test itself.

I’ve seen a lot of rough idle problems on this forum – be interested to know how many of them could have been solved/ helped by a full professional leak back/ flow rate test at various injector pressures, in oder to pinpoint (or not) the injectors.

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