I'll borrow an Autologic and have a play but it's functionality is very similar to T4 - or there's a freeze reading option or similar

Maybe it doesn't update the readings as regularly as T4 etc does?
My earlier posts on this thread, I provided pictures of the cylinder readings when an Auto Logic diagnostic device was connected to the td4.
So they must be stored in the TD4 ecu memory, otherwise how would the Auto Logic device show them?

It might well be that they are stored as you say. I have no reason to doubt you. I just have not figured out how to read them with what we have.

So when I plugged in the icarsoft cr plus in, it didnt show any cylinder error codes when on the data stream page or any other page yet the Auto Logic device does !

The Autologic tool is a fantastic tool and very popular with specialists. Many of them rightly prefer it over the factory T4 tool. It is too expensive for hobbyists though.
Some of the icarsoft tools are very cheap, but I have seen quite a few complaints about them. They are not very transparent about what the tool actually does and often people buy their tools and then find that they do not do what they expected.

We are aiming to also sell a low cost tool, but with the difference that people will be able to figure out exactly what the tool will or will not do before they decide whether to buy one or not. Also as we a UK based and only producing a tool for Rover / MG / LR we can be far more responsive in fixing any issues that do happen.
I had a play with my wife's 2002 TD4 this morning. One thing that I found is that the injector balance seems to turn off at 1500rpm. The numbers all go to zero and you can actually feel the engine becoming less smooth.

This is what it looks like on the pscan.eu tool on a warm engine



For some reason the reading of brake / clutch pedal switches isn't working. I'm not yet sure whether it is the tool or this particular car.
The ECU uses the injector compensation for a smooth idle and to remove any variables such as worn injectors or Pistons etc

Once the revs are increased it doesn't need to offer a steady idle so it stops adjusting
I did a couple of video's on the Hawkeye Monday I will upload them for you to view, I have yet to hook up the T4 to the FL1 once I have I can report back also with the findings.

Yes the readings were taken with the engine on idle running.
Balancing offset can be a little confusing as the values given vary between various readers. My IID BT displays 1 as spot on, lower and higher than 1 are the ECU adjustments to maintain equal power per cylinder.
My Discovery offsets are displayed thus on the IID.
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I managed to upload the video to youtube links below emgine ticking over and some times revved to 1500


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