New Member
Hi all,
I have been trying to trace a small fuel leak that is proving very hard to locate, I removed under tray and cleaned all the diesel from tray and engine. Checked all fuel lines on injector pump and injectors, replaced rubber pipe clips on injector pump.

Started up from cold and run on idle for about an hour, checking all the time for any small leaks, took it for a short run and checked for the leak again, no leaks at all, dry as a bone.

Replaced under tray and checked the following day no drips, checked the next day and found a small drip from a hole in the under tray.
It seems to be coming from drivers side could it be the injector pump?
done a search but could not find any information on my problem.

Many thanks for any input and help.
The pump can leak from beneath the valve covers (held on with 4 torx bolts) If it's from one or more of them it's pump off to fix.
Thanks Chaser,
How many covers are there? are there any seals and if so can they be purchased.

How easy is it to remove pump, any LR tools required.

2004 td4 03 plate.
Thankfully never had to remove or delve into one. There are three covers, the top one is clearly visible, there are seals under them as the pressure in there is very high. I'm not saying for definite that this is your fault but have heard of them leaking and that not all bolts are accessible without removal of the pump. Best to ask a Bosch injection specialist about parts availability and info on possible DIY.
Thanks again Chaser, will post outcome.

Has anyone removed the injector pump on a 2004 TD4 and knows any pitfalls.

I have looked on rave and it seems a lot of work to get the pump off and Special LR tools are required, can anyone confirm.

Any help would be appreciated.
have you checked the little rubber pipes that come off the pump thats were mine leaks from but only when its cold and only on the first start of the day have been told by the wise fellows on here its from the metal unions themselves still not sorted it yet probably needs a new pump
Hi Tincan, yes checked the two rubber bend pipes and replaced the pipe clampes nearest the pump as they were tamper proof.
What metal union do you mean?
the two unions that the rubber pipes clamp on to on the pump its self . i changed the rubber pipes twice before i discoverd it was the metal union leaking itself
Thanks Tincan,
Will check the pipes and unions again, I hope the pump is ok and I don't have to replace or remove for repair, it looks a nightmare.
no probs mine still leaks but only on the very first start up of the day and only when its cold outside in the summer i have no problems weird

got up early this morning and got the wife to start the Freelander up while I had the bonnet up looking for any leaks, found the small leak was coming from the top valve cover on the injector pump.
Switched off and restarted after cleaning up the leak and guess what no leak, it seems that it only leaks from the cover on the first start when it is very cold outside, had a very heavy frost this morning.

So it looks like a pump out job and overhaul or replacement pump, does anyone know where I could buy a service kit or a replacement pump. The pump is a Bosch CP1 part number 0 445 010 011.

I have read rave and haynes, it seems that I need pump remover tool LRT-12-178 does any kind pearson have one that they could loan out or know where I can buy at a good price.

I am not planning on removing the pump at the moment as it is a bit on the cold side for me.
Exactly where i thought it might be leaking. If only for the one inaccessible bolt you'd have been able to remove the cover in situ and attempt to reseal it.

Sorry I don't now of anyone with the tool needed.
Exactly where i thought it might be leaking. If only for the one inaccessible bolt you'd have been able to remove the cover in situ and attempt to reseal it.

Sorry I don't now of anyone with the tool needed.

Hi Chaser thanks for all your help, you was spot on again,
I called into bosch service centre this morning and purchased a complete seal kit for £11.81 not bad, the bosch kit number is F01M101454.

They also said they could remove overhaul and refit the pump for £375 + vat or if I removed and refiited and they just overhauled the pump it would be £175 +vat.

I also purchased the tool from ebay see my other thread.

Thanks again.
hi td4&abit i have a problem with my td4 pump and need to remove it i see in your post you purchased the tool to remove the pump any chance you might have the ebay item number so i could track one down for myself many thanks ian
no probs mine still leaks but only on the very first start up of the day and only when its cold outside in the summer i have no problems weird

My 54 Freelander sprung a leak this morning, Noticed it cos it was very cold up here in Aberdeen and I left it idling to defrost itself. When I came out I spotted the drips (in time almost with the clicks of the fuel pump). Drove to work and back and cant see any drips now. I thought it might be coming from the fuel cooler but impossible to see I will check the rubber hoses and unions at the weekend but it could be a similar wierdo problem to yours. Ta.
Same seasonal leak for me - in winter, under engine diesel leak and smelly diesel cabin when sitting in traffic. No leak or smell in summer. Need to check out the pump seal and unions I suppose. Can these be viewed under the bonnet or is it a case of sumpguard off and jacked up?
I called into bosch service centre this morning ....quote]

I found your thread very useful thanks.... wheredid you get the pump refurbed and did it work sucessfully?

I have similar trouble but can't afford a new one and am a bit wary of the 2nd hand lottery....

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